
Ensure that all your travel essentials are stored safely and stylishly in Khlassik luxe range of women’s travel bags and designer tote bags online. With something for every occasion, we stock a wide range of Australian and international designers. Whether you’re looking for a bag suitable for everyday wear, weekend escape or several months away exploring the globe, we’ve got just the bag for you. From 100% genuine leather tote bags, overnight bags and backpacks to our quality selection of Australian owned and designed Prene Bags, we have something for every trip.

The Prene Bags are a staple addition to any travelling woman’s wardrobe, crafted from neoprene, these machine washable pieces are highly durable and suitable for all seasons. Choose from our selection of cross body bags, clutches, purses and satchels bags, or explore our favourite tote bags. 

Shop now for the must-have women’s travel bags Australia has to offer online at Khlassik or visit us in store today.

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